SEGA Reopens!

After a three month government mandated closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are thrilled to announce that SEGA welcomed students back to campus on June 29th. According to the Tanzanian government, the situation has improved and schools all across the country reopened at the end of June. Nearly all of SEGA students returned to school and were excited to be back!

In order to reopen the school and host classes as safely and responsibly as possible, SEGA’s COVID-19 Task Force implemented many new safety and health protocols. This committee included members from both SEGA and Nurturing Minds.

The school nurse taking the temperature of a student returning to SEGA using a no touch digital forehead thermometer which was purchased for SEGA with funds from SEGA’s COVID-19 Emergency Fund.

The school nurse taking the temperature of a student returning to SEGA using a no touch digital forehead thermometer which was purchased for SEGA with funds from SEGA’s COVID-19 Emergency Fund.

A student using one of the 23 hand washing stations which were installed on SEGA’s campus. Hand washing is required before entry to class, upon leaving the classrooms, before and after eating and using the restroom restrooms.

A student using one of the 23 hand washing stations which were installed on SEGA’s campus. Hand washing is required before entry to class, upon leaving the classrooms, before and after eating and using the restroom restrooms.

Some of the measures put into place included:

  • All students were educated on preventative measures when they returned to campus and they were each given 3 face masks. All students also had their temperatures taken before entering the school campus.

  • SEGA has shifted the assembly ground to allow enough social distancing between the students.

  • They have rearranged the dining tables so that  each student has enough space

  • SEGA has added extensive hand washing and hygiene facilities around the school. For example, there are 23 hand washing stations outside of every classroom.

  • An isolation room has been prepared should someone at SEGA get COVID-19.

SEGA provided reusable masks and toiletries to each student upon their return. The masks were embroidered with the student’s ID number to avoid mask sharing.

SEGA provided reusable masks and toiletries to each student upon their return. The masks were embroidered with the student’s ID number to avoid mask sharing.

While in class students are required to wear masks. Teachers are wearing overcoats and masks, using projectors, observing social distance and once available will be equipped with 3D printed face shields.

While in class students are required to wear masks. Teachers are wearing overcoats and masks, using projectors, observing social distance and once available will be equipped with 3D printed face shields.

Students have now been back on campus for over a month and all students and teachers remain healthy.

In addition to the many new health measures, SEGA has also adapted longer school days to make up for the loss during the three and a half previous months. Prior to COVID-19, daily classes ran between 8:00 am - 2:30 pm, but now classes extend until 5:00 pm with several breaks throughout the day. The September two-week break has been eliminated and the school year has also been extended by two weeks to end on December 18th, rather than on December 1st. These days are long for both students and teachers but everyone is adjusting and approaching the new schedule with a positive attitude.

Two Form One students succinctly expressed their gratitude for the aid SEGA provided during the school shutdown and their feelings about returning to school in saying:

I would like to say thank you to SEGA because when we were at home we were provided with face masks, manual safeguards to read more about the COVID-19 prevention, and most of all the learning materials prepared by our teachers. Now we are at school practicing social distance and also practicing hygiene and sanitation. We wash our hands frequently”-- Gertrude, Form One student.

“I am so happy because even when I was at home I got a letter from my overseas’ friend. I was happy that day I did not expect that, and now I am looking forward to writing back to them.”— Leila, Form One student.

We share our heartfelt gratitude to all of our supporters for seeing our students through this particularly tough time. We are more grateful than ever to have a safe space for the girls to continue their education and pursue their passions.

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