Together we raised $10 million to create a stable funding channel for SEGA long-term.
While the active portion of our endowment campaign is now complete, we will continue to raise funds for endowment to further increase our sustainability over time. In the next three years (2025-2028) we look to raise an additional $1.6 million.

This campaign will enable Nurturing Minds and SEGA to lift hundreds of girls out of poverty and work toward financial sustainability for the SEGA Girls’ School. You can help us reach these goals:
300+ Girls
educated on the SEGA campus annually
1,800 Girls
in 32 communities mentored and trained by SEGA graduates
of graduates earn income through their own businesses or formal employment
75 Girls
graduate annually equipped with a core foundation of academic, life, computer and entrepreneurial skills
200+ GIRLS
provided with continuing education scholarships annually
Make an Endowment gift today: You will CHANGE these girls’ lives.
"You can give the most transformative gift possible – a quality education in a safe environment – to marginalized girls in Tanzania. Imagine a 12 year old girl from a remote community, at risk for early pregnancy, a life of subservience and endless domestic chores. Now instead, she is given a chance to develop her mind and sense of self in the world and plan her future. She emerges confident and aware. She has a secondary education and her gateway to the world is now open…thanks to you." – Polly Dolan, Co-Founder
Campaign Progress
The Endowment Campaign started strong with 100% participation from Nurturing Minds' Board of Directors. Many other generous donors have further supported the campaign and as of September 2024, we have surpassed our goal of raising $10 million. While the active portion of our endowment campaign is now complete, we will continue to raise funds for endowment to further increase our sustainability over time. In the next three years (2025-2028) we look to raise an additional $1.6 million. With your help, we can put the future in her hands by providing holistic education and programs that enable girls to lift themselves out of poverty and have a brighter future.
Ways to Give

Gifts You Can Make Now
By giving to Nurturing Minds, you can reduce your income and capital gains taxes now — and possibly save estate taxes later. No matter what you choose, rest assured that your gift will help Nurturing Minds and SEGA provides holistic education and programs that enable girls to lift themselves out of poverty and have a brighter future.
+ Check Donations
Personal checks or distributions from a Donor Advised Fund can be made payable to Nurturing Minds, Inc. and mailed to:
UBS Financial Services Inc.
The Dolce Group
100 West Putnam Avenue, Suite 200
Greenwich, CT 06830
+ Gifts of Securities
Avoid capital gains taxes and generate a charitable income tax deduction, stretching your charitable dollars further. To deliver eligible securities please contact info@nurturingmindsinafrica.org for account information.
+ Wire Transfers
To wire your donation please contact info@nurturingmindsinafrica.org for account information.
+ IRA Charitable Rollover
If you are age 70½ or older, you can make direct tax-free transfers from your IRA account to Nurturing Minds. These gifts count toward your required minimum distribution and may reduce your federal and state income taxes.
Gifts From Your Estate
You may be able to reduce or eliminate federal and state estate taxes by including a gift to Nurturing Minds in your estate plan. Gifts that come to Nurturing Minds upon your death allow you to leave a significant legacy without parting with assets during your lifetime. Read our Planned Giving Brochure.
+ Tax-Deferred Retirement Accounts
These gifts are easy to set up — and are often the most tax-savvy way for you and your heirs to make an estate plan gift.
+ A Bequest In Your Will or Trust
This allows you to leave a fixed dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, your entire estate or the residuary of your estate to Nurturing Minds.
Text for Including a bequest to Nurturing Minds in your will:
- SPECIFIC BEQUEST: “I give to Nurturing Minds, Inc., PO Box 600617, Newtonville, MA 02460, the sum of $____ to be used by its Board of Directors (as it deems appropriate) OR (to invest in its long-term endowment fund) OR (according to a statement of donor intent previously agreed to by Nurturing Minds, Inc. and me.)”
- RESIDUARY BEQUEST: “I give to Nurturing Minds, Inc., PO Box 600617, Newtonville, MA 02460, ___% percent of the residue of my estate to be used by its Board of Directors (as it deems appropriate) OR (to invest in its long-term endowment fund) OR (according to a statement of donor intent previously agreed to by Nurturing Minds, Inc. and me.)”
- CONTINGENCY BEQUEST: “In the event that __ predeceases me, I give to Nurturing Minds, Inc. , PO Box 600617, Newtonville, MA 02460, (the sum of $____ ) OR(____% percent of the residue of my estate) to be used by its Board of Directors (as it deems appropriate) OR (to invest in its long-term endowment fund) OR (according to a statement of donor intent previously agreed to by Nurturing Minds, Inc. and me.)”
+ Life Insurance Policy
Making Nurturing Minds the beneficiary of your life insurance policy is simple and easy.
Fund A Special Gift
+ Endow A Student Scholarship
By endowing one or more student scholarships, you can see the immediate benefits of your endowment gift by providing assistance for a quality education and a pathway out of poverty. Each $50,000 gift provides a full scholarship to a student each year and each $15,000 gift provides a partial scholarship to a student each year, in perpetuity. You will be connected with a student to follow her progress while at SEGA. Learn More.
+ Naming Opportunities

Clarke Blynn, Founding Board Member
When we started this school in 2008, one of our major objectives was to ultimately make the school self-sustaining financially. This goal of sustainability is not easy to come by. After many years of evolution, we have come up with a multi-pronged approach to financial sustainability. One is the income that we receive from the SEGA Lodge, which is located on the campus. Second, is the income or reduction of expense by recruiting more paying students. Our target for paying students is approximately 40 to 45% of our student body. The third approach has been to fund an endowment of $10 million. I was happy to kick off the endowment with my contribution of $250,000 because I believe that the endowment is a key part of our long-term sustainability. The income from a $10 million endowment will help us support the program costs of the SEGA Girls’ School forever. As a wise man once said, endowment is the gift that keeps on giving.
A fully funded endowment will also provide stability to the long-term planning process for Nurturing Minds and the SEGA board. I have observed many other nonprofit organizations that have been very successful in becoming sustainable through an appropriate endowment. The long-term success of the SEGA Girls’ School depends on us achieving the goal of $10 million. It's an honor for me to be part of this wonderful process and this is the best way I can think of to give back to a deserving group of girls who need help in pursuing their dreams.
Susan Hannah, Board Member
Nurturing Minds and the SEGA Girls’ School is among my favorite charitable organizations. I have come to know them intimately as a Nurturing Minds board member, student scholarship supporter, and school visitor beginning in 2010, and every day I am impressed with both organizations’ leadership, how they approach and implement their mission, and what they’ve accomplished. The metamorphosis of the students is the proof of their success. While my support is but a ripple in the pond, I know collectively it has an impact, and I want to ensure that SEGA remains a beacon and role model in the East African region and beyond. To do this, I have chosen to leverage my current giving by leaving Nurturing Minds a bequest in my will.
Want To Learn More?