Career Seminar Inspires Students
Girls Learn the Keys to Beginning a Career
Last weekend SEGA held a Career Seminar for students in Forms 3 & 4. The goal of the seminar was to introduce the girls to various careers and convey the importance of grades, studying, and planning to achieve success. While this may sound like a rather dry subject, even from the start the girls were completely engaged. Beginning with the basics, Ellie Scheidman gave a presentation explaining the overall concept of a career and the years of planning it often requires. Then the students listened to three inspiring presentations by Zena Maajar Tenga, Executive Director of the Hassan Trust, Julius, a nurse at the Morogoro Regional Hospital and Peter, SEGA’s very own accountant.
Zena spoke about her work at the Hassan Trust, an NGO that donates desks and books to impoverished schools. The girls were very impressed by her professional experience and how well she spoke English. Zena also taught the girls a phrase which they repeated and wrote down, “I can. I will. I am loved. I matter.”
Julias and Peter also gave great presentations about the skills, forethought and work it takes to achieve success in both nursing and accounting.
Following the presentations the girls reinforced what they had learned by creating posters about various careers, the qualifications one needs and the benefits of each profession.
Overall, it was a very successful and engaging seminar for all involved. Now the girls have even more incentive to study hard and achieve their goals!