SEGA Provides “Education for Life” – Even for Pregnant Teens

Providing an Education that Extends Beyond the Classroom


As many of you know, SEGA strives to provide an education and a second chance to many underprivileged and vulnerable girls. One particular demographic SEGA seeks to help, who is often ostracized and overlooked by Tanzanian society, is young pregnant girls.

A recent report by the Center of Reproductive Rights reports high rates of teenage pregnancy in Tanzania, with statistics revealing that over 44% of girls have given birth or are pregnant by age 19. To make the situation even worse, if a young girl is found to be pregnant she is immediately expelled from school – a practice that does not bode well for breaking the cycle of poverty.

In contrast to traditional Tanzanian schools, SEGA welcomes girls who have been previously expelled for pregnancy. Why?… Because studies have consistently shown that educating women is one of the most influential factors in raising a family’s socioeconomic status. Consequently, SEGA provides a safe and supportive environment for girls to continue their education, regardless of their past.

To directly address Tanzania’s startling early pregnancy statistics, SEGA promotes an “Education for Life” program that teaches girls life skills that extend beyond the classroom. For example, the “Education for Life” program focuses on HIV/AIDS awareness and early pregnancy prevention. The program also offers community outreach opportunities, leadership training and self-esteem building activities.

To learn more about SEGA’s commitment to giving girls a second chance and an incredible opportunity to advance their skills and education, just click here.