Venture Travel
Trip Dates: May 20 - 28, 2024
Go beyond tourism. Connect as a global citizen. Forever change your perspective.
Tanzania's known for Mount Kilimanjaro and its famed safaris. Most visitors skip over major cities and have little interaction with locals outside of those in the tourist industry. That's what makes Venture Tanzania an adventure of a lifetime. This video brings your experience alive.
Join us on this custom nine-day/eight-night CGG Experience. We immerse in the rapidly growing city of Dar es Salaam; make Maasai home visits, visit enterprises, and get to know students while based at the Lodge at SEGA Girls' School in Morogoro; enjoy a safari at Mikumi National Park. The Experience connects us to Tanzania's future--culture, education, sustainability, and wildlife preservation are a focus. As in all Venture Tanzania, personal connection and global learning are the key souvenirs.
This CGG Experience is limited to 10 curious, adventurous, globally-minded travelers. There will be numerous opportunities to engage pre-trip, which will enhance our learning experience.
For connections to Tanzania and SEGA Girls' School, enjoy these Venture Tanzania:
Curious-minded people who join each intimate journey make Venture Travel Experiences unique! Are YOU open to thinking differently?