The Importance of Entrepreneurship in the SEGA Curriculum

SEGA stresses entrepreneurial skills and training as part of our curriculum. Students focus on entrepreneurship during their Form 3 year. In order to jumpstart this year’s entrepreneurial program, SEGA recently held a two-week entrepreneurship training for Form 3 students that focused on the intricacies of business planning and taught students the skills they need to build a successful business after graduation.

During the training students worked in small groups to create a business plan for each of the skills they would learn later in the workshop. Each group had to brainstorm and complete the following questions for their new business:

a)    Create a new business idea

b)    Identify available resources that are relevant to the business plan

c)    Identify how the 3Ps (Planet, People & Profit) relate or assist to the business idea

d)    Complete a SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats)

e)    Practice life skills, business communication skills, sales skills etc

f)     Present a marketing and sales plan into a different group

g)    Practice keeping financial records keeping and calculating gains and losses

Once the business planning process was complete, workshop leaders taught the students multiple skills including tie-dying batik fabric, cake baking and decorating, soap making, print and embroidery. The girls practiced these skills first-hand and were proud of their endeavors.

This training is just the beginning of SEGA’s entrepreneurial program for Form 3 students. Throughout the year students will learn additional skills such as sewing, running a shop and taking care of chickens — all skills that are replicable and valued after graduation. Students will also continue to hone their business planning skills, budgeting, marketing, sales and customer service.

Upon graduation some students use their entrepreneurship skills in the most literal sense to start their own business while others apply their business and leadership skills more indirectly as they further their education or begin their first job. Here are two examples of SEGA graduates who have applied their business skills to make money after graduation:

“My name is Susan, I graduated SEGA in 2016, Ever since I graduated I have been involved in doing small business to help me generate the income while am at home for my daily basic needs. After sometime at home I started doing poultry, I had 200 chickens at home but they all died because they were poisoned. So for now I have stopped doing poultry instead I have started selling women clothing (second hand clothes) so far I am doing great with the business, it helps me to get my daily needs. SEGA has contributed a lot to my passion for trying out new businesses. The business skills I got through the Entrepreneurship program has really helped me  a  lot. I have been thinking to start the poultry business again in the coming month because I like taking care of the chickens.”

“My Name is Catherine, I graduated SEGA in 2014. After I graduated SEGA, I joined Jordan College here in Morogoro studying for a Certificate in Community Development for one year and then I continued with studying diploma for two years. Now I am done with my studies, I have started the business of selling women clothing (second hand) which helps with to get money for my daily needs. SEGA’s entrepreneurship program has helped so much into my life because  even though I am done with my diploma I don’t just sit at home and wait to be employed.”

We are so pleased that students are using their business skills after graduation to better their lives!