SEGA Welcomes Motivational Speakers to Campus

Recent Visitors Inspire Students

SEGA has had the honor of welcoming a number of visitors to campus recently!

Last week Richard Mabala, author of the book, “Mabala the Farmer” visited SEGA as a Role Model visit (see above photo). “Mabala the Farmer” is used in the Tanzanian English curriculum and on the Form II National Exam (NECTA), and students are often asked to answer essay questions and refer to this book. The majority of our students have all read Mr. Mabala’s books, so this was truly an honor to have him at our school! During the day, he met with teachers in our language department and attended English classes. After school, SEGA had a school-wide meeting with him in the school’s conference room. He encouraged students to find a passion and emphasized that it is important to do something that you love. He also told students that they should take full advantage of any opportunities they get in life, because good opportunities don’t come around so often. Students and staff alike sincerely enjoyed having Mr. Mabala on campus.

Additionally, SEGA recently hosted Kubamba, a Kenyan organization that works with youth all over Africa to empower students to take ownership of their lives. Kubamba uses music and religion to deliver their message and connect with students. During the event, students had a dance competition, they sung and danced to different religious songs and they talked about how they should constantly seek to improve to make their lives. Students in all classes attended and it was an unbelievably energetic and powerful event!