Sega Graduates Reach For The Future
Following release of their exam results in March, Sega graduates recently joined a career workshop hosted by the Sega Girls School aimed at helping them to develop career action plans and outline their next academic steps.
After introductions and an ice-breaker in which the young women were encouraged to “reach for the future and let go of the past”, the Sega Headmistress gave an overview of general academic requirements for career options that they might choose.
Then Sega staff and volunteers worked with the graduates in one-on-one counseling sessions to help students select their career pathway in alignment with their exam results and interests and identify the steps needed to achieve this.
The workshop also provided an opportunity to gather assessment data to support Sega’s monitoring and evaluation processes, and to encourage the graduates to remain connected to the Sega alumni community, supporting one another and future Sega graduates.
Additional meetings with Sega staff will be offered to make sure that each graduating Sega student has the tools and resources to achieve their hopes for the future.
We wish them well and will follow their progress with interest.